The Area Service Committee
ASC Chairperson
The ASC Chairperson is responsible for conducting committee meetings, preparing the agenda, & various administrative duties. The chairs primary tools is a firm hand, a calm spirit & a clear mind.
ASC Vice Chairperson
Primarily responsible for coordination of area subcommittee. Keeps in touch with Subcommittee chairperson & stay informed of their projects & problems, attending subcommittee meetings whenever possible. Helps find solutions on disputes those may arrive within subcommittee or between subcommittees. Also assists the ASC chairperson in conducting ASC meetings.
ASC Secretary
Area secretary handles all the paperwork. Their first responsibility is to take a clear, accurate minutes of the area committee meetings & distribute those minutes to all committee participants. They also maintain & update a log of area policies & contact information of participants.
ASC Treasurer
Responsible of handling money associated with service. It is recommended that the area selects people who are financially secure to this service position. The treasurer receives contributions from the groups, administers the areas checking account, pays the rent for the committee meeting hall, reimburses officers & subcommittee chairs for their budgeted expenses, keeps careful records of all transactions, & reports on financial condition of the area committee at each of its meeting. The treasurer is also responsible tp prepare a annual budget for the area committee.
Regional Committee Member, represent ASC at the Regional Service Committee (RSC), where matter from all areas in that region are discussed. In India RCM’s gather at the SOSONA (Society of Service of Narcotics Anonymous) meeting held at different places all over India from time to time.
Contact : rcm@nadelhi.org
Group Service Representatives link their groups to the rest of Narcotics Anonymous. Most groups elect an alternate GSR who can fill in for the group representative when needed. GSR’s on their groups behalf convey a sense of their groups wishes to the service structure & bring back information on what’s happening in the larger world of NA. GSR’s are delegated the authority to serve in their own right as ASC & regional assembly participants, exercising their own conscience & best judgment in the best interest of NA as a whole.
Regional Committee Members
A body that coordinates service forums throughout the region, serves as contact point between NA Local & World Service.
ASC’s Subcommittees
ASC creates subcommittees to deliver its direct services such as
- H & I – Hospitals & Institutions
- PR – Public Relation
- Event & Activity
- Helpline
- Translation
- Literature Supply
- Web Service
H & I – Hospitals & Institutions Subcommittees
The purpose of an H&I meeting is to carry the NA message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings. H&I meetings and presentations, except for those in longer term facilities, are intended to simply introduce those attending to some of the basics of the NA program.
Contact: info@nadelhi.org
PR – Public Relation Subcommittee
PI activity is geared to people outside our fellowship and includes people who come in contact with addicts and can help addicts to find NA.
Contact: info@nadelhi.org
Convention Subcommittee
NA Conventions are held by members of Narcotics Anonymous to bring our membership together in the celebration of recovery. Meetings, workshops & other activities are scheduled to encourage unity & fellowship among our members.
Contact: info@nadelhi.org
Translation Subcommittee
Ensures that the written NA message is available in the language spoken by local members. Translation subcommittee also assist in translating service-related correspondence & periodicals so that members of their NA communities can take a fuller part in the life of the worldwide NA fellowship.
Contact: info@nadelhi.org
Literature Supply Subcommittee
Maintains a stock of NA books & pamphlets that can be purchased by local groups. Some NA pamphlets are also made available free of cost. The subcommittee is responsible to help organize the job of processing group orders, tracking inventory, & reordering depleted items, contact the World Service Office fro available resources. They maintain accountability for all area funds.
Contact: info@nadelhi.org
Newsletter Subcommittee
Publish local newsletters listing area & regional events, members “recovery experience” & local service activities.
Web Service Subcommittee
Considered NA’s windows to the outside world, is used to host information on the Internet about NA & its activities in the region.
Contact: info@nadelhi.org
NA Service Events
Information for any NA Service Event will be made available on the Events page. Click here to access it.